Return & Refund Policy

The website has a “no questions asked return and refund policy” which entitles all users who have purchased a product on the Marketplace to return the product only at the time of delivery if they are not satisfied with the quality of the product.

Return Policy:
Products are not eligible for return. In case any product is not delivered at the time of delivery, you may raise a complaint within 48 hours of delivery.
To pass feedback to the merchants to improve the services, it is mandatory to share the images of the items which you were dissatisfied with. Subject to acceptance from the third-party seller of the product, the Company may take the returned product back and grant credit/coupon in lieu of the value of the returned product. Such credit shall be available for use against a subsequent invoice for transactions on the Marketplace.

Refund, if any, shall be made at the same issuing bank through which the Product was purchased. For cash on delivery transactions, the refund can be credited in any bank account via NEFT (for which the User shall have to share the bank details).

For payments made through electronic means like debit card, credit card, net banking, wallet etc. refund shall be made using the same payment mode.
All refunds shall be made in Indian Rupees only.